
After 30 years of work, we have published more than 25 publications, in paper and digital format, through the Center for Islamic Documentation and Publications (CDPI).

Verdeislam, The Message of the Quran by Muhammad Assad, Muwatta by Imam Malik, Introduction to Islam by Hashim Cabrera or Islam and Human Rights by Yaratullah Monturiol are some of the outstanding titles we have published in these 30 years. These publications were like an oasis in the desert during the first years of the return of Islam to Spain.


Textos fundamentales del islam que fueron editados y traducidos por Junta Islámica a través del CDPI


Hardback 1999. ISBN 978-84-605-8379-5 (Agotado).

E-book (PDF): Disponible

Al Muwatta (The Easy Way) is the oldest compilation of hadith in the history of Islam. It contains the essential references of the first community of Medina. It is an essential reference work for the foundation of an Islamic community. Published in 1999 by Junta Islámica with translation by Abdurassak Pérez and Iman Puch and edition by Sabora Uribe, it was one of the first translations of hadith compilations in Spanish.


Hardback. 1999. ISBN 978-84-604-8370-3 (Agotado).

E-book (PDF): Disponible

Riyad as Salihin (The Gardens of the Righteous) by Imam An-Nawawi is a renowned selection of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad – Peace and Blessings be upon him – on shaping the character and behavior of the Muslim. This book opens a fascinating path to spirituality. The complete translation of the original text is directly from Arabic into English. Originally published by Junta Islamica in 1999, the translation and editing is by Zakariya Maza.


Hardback. 2001 ISBN 978-8460735236 (Agotado).

E-book (PDF): Disponible

One of the milestones of Junta Islámica’s CDPI, the translation of Muhammad Assad’s Message from the Koran. Published in 2001, the Quranic commentary by Muhammad Assad, a European convert to Islam, marks a milestone in the spread of Islam beyond its traditional borders. This translation, which contains more than 3000 notes, constitutes a corpus of exegesis of the Koran in our own language, indispensable for the approach to the sacred text.



Nº 0 (1996) – nº 20 (2003) [Colección Completa]

E-book (PDF): Disponible

VerdeIslam is the most visible and powerful reference of the neo-Andalusian islamic thought of the last century and the beginning of the current one. From 1996 to 2003, during twenty issues, Junta Islámica published a key magazine for the construction of the Muslim community in Spanish. Classic authors such as Sabora Uribe, Hashim Cabrera, Abdelmumin Aya and many others discussed the problems and challenges of contemporary Muslims, especially in Spain and Latin America.

VerdeIslam was a real think-tank for Spanish-speaking Muslims, elaborating doctrines, rethinking realities and creating beauty. A meeting point, an underground manifestation of people who believed that thinking in an Islamic key was more necessary than ever. VerdeIslam are articles that have become fundamental in times of paper extinction. Articles for restless and idealistic people.

Colección CÁLAMO - Pensamiento Islámico Contemporáneo

Khutbas de Dar al-Rum-2

Khutbas de Dar al-Rum. Sermones para tiempos inciertos || Antonio de Diego González

Digital Edition in Spanish (PDF): Disponible
Digital Edition in Google Books: Disponible

Khutbas of Dar al-Rum is a book that invites the reader to known the contemporary spiritual neo-Andalusian Islam. In it are collected a year of Friday sermons that its author has presented to the community of Junta Islámica in the city of Cordoba and, digitally, in the website Also included are sermons for the four weeks of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, the night of ‘Arafah, Eid al-Adha and Mawlid.

The reflections and thoughts come to life, in each sermon, to make us savor and meditate on different concepts, characters, situations or experiences of the spiritual journey that took place from Adam to the Prophet Muhammad and that continues to ours day.

This is an invitation to the reader to recognize Islam as a pacified din, far from dogmatism, and to become sincere believers again, under the Sunna of the Prophet, in uncertain times.

TAFSIRA - Papeles de diálogo teológico


Nº1 – Islamic Humanism An alternative for thinking Islamic theology today || Antonio de Diego González

Digital Edition in Spanish (PDF): Disponible

Digital Edition in English (PDF): Disponible

Tafsira, papers of theological dialogue is a periodical publication of the Forum of Islamic thought Ibn Masarra. It takes its name from the tafsiras moriscas, books of treatises on the din published, for the most part, in aljamiado Spanish. Thus, we vindicate our heritage of European Islam and recover the ancient models of knowledge of Hispanic Muslims.

This is a four-monthly, serialized and digital publication that proposes Position Papers, opinions and research on a current theological topic. The papers are published by our members or by authors invited by the Forum and are presented in both English and Spanish. This project is a co-publication between the Foro de Pensamiento Islámico Ibn Masarra, Junta IslámicaFundación Las Fuentes published in the city of Cordoba. Our goal is to build theological dialogue on current issues.


Colección de pensamiento islámico que reunió a las principales figuras e intelectuales islámicos hispanohablantes.


Paperback. ISBN 9788493251369: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

Islam is neither a culture nor a religion but a way of being and living. In the din of Islam there are principles and forms, but no dogmas or mysteries. There are no priests or church, no sacraments or liturgy. Hashim Cabrera, one of the most solid and brilliant neo-Andalusian thinkers, elaborates a lucid essay that invites us to reflect in depth.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-935469-4-6: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

A courageous and well-documented text by the Moroccan scholar Asma Lamrabet that deals in depth with the role of Muslim women in various fields: intellectual, spiritual, social and political. The reading of this volume reveals a discovery since, against the distorted image of a patriarchal and misogynist Islam, the egalitarian nature of the Islam of the early times appears with clarity.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-932513-4-5: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

This book is the result of five years of work in the editorial staff of Webislam. Without fear of exaggeration, I could say that thousands of questions have come to us during this time. These are the questions that most concern non-Muslims. But, after so many questions and answers, the only thing that should really be clear to us is that Islam is only a way of life.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-935469-6-0: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

As a clarifying contribution, this essay by Yaratullah Monturiol approaches a rigorous and exhaustive investigation of the Sharia from the perspective of human rights in Islam, starting from the original sources, the Koran and the Sunna, clearly and precisely differentiating concepts that are often confused, as if they were synonyms, producing undesirable confusions and misrepresentations.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-935469-1-5: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

The Epistles of the Brothers of Purity are fully within the framework of humanist anthropologies insofar as they represent a dignification of the human being. This is the main factor that can awaken the interest of contemporary man in these Epistles and their message. Ibrahim Albert, one of the most profound scholars of neo Al-Andalus, writes this book on one of the key moments of Islamic knowledge.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-932513-2-1: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

Kamal Ali al-Muntasir’s Hajj Rules describes the traditional ways of performing the Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mekka al-Mukarrama. Based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), it tells us how we should prepare and act in one of the most fascinating experiences in the life of a Muslim: the Hajj. An indispensable aid, a clear guide, for the pilgrim and for the one who seeks to be a pilgrim.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-932513-2-1: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

The present volume includes fifty khutbas or sermons elaborated by Hashim Cabrera in the scope of an elementary community that is discovering the islâm and integrates a series of texts on these spiritual stations of the divine messengers, peace be upon them. All of them were delivered in the mosque of Dar As Salâm, in Almodóvar del Río, former headquarters of Junta Islámica.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-932513-8-3: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

The purpose of this glossary is to propose suggestive interpretations, based on etymological and spiritual explanations, compiled from various sources of thought. Traditional and modern schools and masters, who delve into the linguistic sciences and embrace philosophy or mystical experience, give us a key to search for knowledge. This dictionary is a working tool, a reference book to study and reflect on the forms of expression of the universal message of Islam.


Colección de libros sobre islam de gran belleza y formato


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-935469-2-2: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

Contents and papers of the International Seminar “Alliance of Civilizations, Alliance for Peace” held in Cordoba on June 18-19, 2007. The purpose of the seminar was to propose ideas and initiatives in favor of peace and tolerance, based on the precepts that, on these positive values, constitute the basis of Islam. The Government of Spain participated through AECID and the Islamic Leadership Organization.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-935469-1-5 (Agotado)

Ebook (PDF)

A unique book, with texts by Antonio Manuel and photography by Jaled Ibarra, which seriously addresses a relevant issue in the history of Spain as the expulsion of the Morisco, moving a proposal that goes from banishment to concord. From Al-Andalus to the curve of the Niger offers us a fascinating reading of the Moorish heritage and traditions in the historical memory.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-932513-7-6: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

Hashim Cabrera narrates the history of Junta Islámica in a memoir from 1989 to 2014, the 25th anniversary of the founding of Junta Islámica. He reviews the most important events, thinking, projects, etc.

A unique book that offers a fascinating perspective on the return of Islam in Spain and the weight of our organization in the Spanish Islamic community.


Paperback. ISBN 9788493546939: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

One of the key books of the artist and neo-Andalusian thinker Hashim Cabrera (Seville, 1954). An essay that we present in its second edition (2004) edited by the CPDI of Junta Islámico. The text invites us, in a metahistorical dialogue, to think about the form, color and intercultural connections of the Islamic doctrine with contemporary art.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-935469-1-5: Agotado

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

One of the best contemporary reflections on color from the analysis of Hashim Cabrera (Seville, 1954). An essay that we present in its second edition (2004) edited by the CPDI of Junta Islámico. The text invites us to a fascinating hermeneutics of color and light in art. It is a reflection of more than twenty years on the problem of form and color from the Islamic experience.


Paperback. ISBN 978-84-932513-7-6: Disponible

Ebook (PDF): Disponible

Hashim Cabrera narrates the history of Junta Islámica in a memoir from 1989 to 2014, the 25th anniversary of the founding of Junta Islámica. He reviews the most important events, thinking, projects, etc.

A unique book that offers a fascinating perspective on the return of Islam in Spain and the weight of our organization in the Spanish Islamic community.