
For 25 years, the Islamic Board has been working on the development of various projects on Islam, promoting democratic values and coexistence between different groups in a non-denominational space, based on respect, education and mutual understanding.


JI Folleto 2021 Int


El Instituto Halal de Junta Islámica is an Islamic and technical body dedicated to regulate, control and certify food, products and services intended for consumption by Muslims in Spain, the EU and Muslim-majority countries. Its field of work is not only limited to the agri-food industry, but also includes developments in the tourism sector (Halal International Tourism), halal marketing or halal science and R&D&I, promoting joint international activities.

Instituto Halal practices a policy of cooperation and collaboration in international relations with all international Islamic organizations such as the Islamic Cooperation Organization (ICO), the Muslim World League (MWL), EIAC (United Arab Emirates), the Government of Qatar, JAKIM (Malaysia) and MUI (Indonesia). Likewise, Instituto Halal, through Escuela Halal, offers training in the technical field of halal and in the entrepreneurship sector.

Fundación las Fuentes de Junta Islámica is a private non-profit organization, whose main purpose is the knowledge and dissemination of the main expressions of universal cultural and spiritual currents, and their various manifestations in contemporary societies. It is an instrument to improve the understanding and acceptance of the multiple realities that coexist in our country today on the basis of a common experience, from different cultural, spiritual, social and ideological points of view, free of prejudices and decontextualized from culturalist, populist or radical visions. is an Internet website in Spanish and a virtual community, open to dialogue and the creation of thought. For more than twenty years, it was, which has been present on the Web since 1997. WebIslam has been considered a pioneer page and an important reference in Spanish language, about Islam and Muslims on the Internet. Last year 2018, and coinciding with its twentieth anniversary, it has received an important aesthetic and editorial transformation, changing its name to VerIslam. Becoming a young, dynamic and renewed publication that seeks to connect with a new generation of Spanish-speaking Muslims with great social potential. The origin of both publications is in VerdeIslam.

The Center for Islamic Documentation and Publications (CDPI) is the publishing arm of the Islamic Board, which has published more than 25 books, both in paper and electronic format. All of them are currently accessible from VerIslam free of charge. Among them is a translation of the Koran, or the first editions in Spanish of the compilations of the sayings of the Prophet. This department is currently responsible for the development and supervision of the Information and Consultancy Center, which aims to respond to the growing demand for information and advice from civil society, the media, professionals and academics. Junta Islámica also carries out consultancy work on Islam in its different cultural, political, economic, religious, etc. dimensions. Both departments have promoted congresses and seminars such as the I Congress of Spanish-speaking Muslims: “El Islam en las Dos Orillas” (2003), the seminar “Alianza de Civilizaciones, Alianza por la Paz” (2007), four editions of the Congress of Islamic Feminism (2005, 2006, 2009, 2010), or the cycle “Ciudadanía e Islam” in the framework of Noches de Ramadán (2018) among many other activities.

The Center for Islamic Documentation and Publications (CDPI) published since 1995, and for 10 years, the magazine of information and thought Verde Islam. All the great contemporary thinkers of Spanish and European Islam have been published. Its 22 issues published on paper can be consulted or downloaded free of charge in PDF from VerIslam.


La federación de comunidades islámicas Ibn Masarra (FECIM) is an associative project focused on the diversity of the Muslim community in Spain. We aim to collaborate to social change and help normalize the situation of Spanish Muslims contributing to improve the perception of diversity in our country.

FECIM was born in Cordoba in Ramadan 2019 by the hand of the Islamic Board, the Islamic Community al-Basir and the Islamic Community Cheij Ma-El Ainin. In these months, other communities from all over Spain have been joining them.

Our project is to work, from a position of complete ideological independence, the constant reflection of the challenges of the contemporary world and its application to an experience of Islam in the XXI century.

Educación islámica en España. In this area, Junta Islámica has carried out an active work of dialogue and consultancy with the different Administrations for the implementation of the teaching of Islam in Public Educational Centers. It has provided advice and consultancy services to the CIE (Islamic Comision of Spain) and the Ministry of Justice. In the university field, Junta Islámica together with teachers of the UNED designed and implemented, in the academic years 2005/06 and 2006/07, a postgraduate course entitled “Professional Expert in Islamic Culture, Civilization and Religion”. Today this work continues through the Fundación Las Fuentes.

En la actualidad, Junta Islámica colabora con la Fundación las Fuentes en innovación y desarrollo de enseñanzas islámicas, y con Escuela Halal para la actualización de aspectos educativos en sharia (ley islámica) para el sector halal.