About Us

Junta Islámica is a non-profit organization, Islamic religious community, of national scope, founded in 1989, with the main objective of articulating, organizing and contributing to the achievement of the civil rights of the Muslim citizenship in Spain.

We are the dean entity of Islam in Spain, we have more than 30 years being our mission to serve the Muslim citizenship. We carry out our work, always in defense of the rights and obligations of diverse citizens, from our independent and progressive vision. Our values are centered on the Sunna, freedom and the principle of democratic equality, which are the essential elements in our daily work.

In this sense, Junta Islámica is one of the dean communities of Spanish Islam and more involved in making possible the Cooperation Agreement, signed in 1992, between the State and the Islamic Commission of Spain (CIE). In it, the rights and duties that the Spanish Constitution recognizes the rights of Muslim citizenship are included. Junta Islámica has always been committed to the Muslim civil society.

The president of Junta Islámica for more than 20 years, Dr. Mansur Escudero, was co-founder of the Islamic Commission of Spain (CIE) and its Secretary General until 2006. He also served as president of the Spanish Federation of Islamic Religious Entities (FEERI) until 2002.

Since 2013, Isabel Romero has been the president of the organization, who has promoted numerous initiatives in the field of civil society, democratic coexistence and the halal sector. Under her mandate, Junta Islámica continues to be one of the leading communities in the search for a diverse citizenship.

Dr. Mansur Escudero (1947-2010)
Founder of Junta Islámica


Maryam Isabel Romero
President of Junta Islámica

Muhammad Escudero
Vicepresident & International Relations

Dra. Bárbara Hayat Ruiz-Bejarano
Secretary-General & Project Manager

Yusuf Cadelo
Relations with Islamic Communities

Hanif Escudero
Member of the Board